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Corporate Music and Improv Programs

Ignite your team's potential with Arts-Based Team-Building Programs!

Click here to learn about Corporate Music Programs

Click here to learn about Corporate Improv Programs

What are Arts-Based Team-Building Programs?

Arts-Based Team-Building Programs are specialized learning and development initiatives that leverage the artistic disciplines of improv, music, dance, and theatre to enhance communication skills and professional efficacy, while encouraging personal growth and collaboration among participants.

Why have Arts-Based Team-Building Programs at Your Workplace?

  • A clinical study found that implementing employee creativity programs at a hospital led to an 18% reduction in employee turnover. Source
  • At Deloitte UK, 80% of employees who took music lessons felt more positive about their employer, making it one of the company’s most powerful morale boosters. Source

Past Clients

READ MORE: Everyone Is a Rock Star at Spotify’s Rock Band Bootcamp!

Music Makers NY on the Stage Whisper Podcast

Music Makers NY founder/creator Bob Elliott and collaborator/consultant Larkin Bogan recently joined Andrew Cortes and Hope Bird to discuss Arts-Based Team-Building Programs involving music and improv. Listen here.

For price quotes, and to book our services or customize your own company program, contact us at musicmakersnewyork@gmail.com or 212-967-6124.

We have brochures share with your company or management!
Short Form Intro Brochure
Full-Length Printable Brochure